Sunday, September 14, 2008


This week in Malawi I arranged for the district coordinator for the National Association for People with HIV/AIDS in Malawi (NAPHAM) to meet with a group of people in my village. There are about 20 people living with HIV in our immediate area, and another 40 in two other nearby villages. They were oriented to the organization and will be registered to receive support group benefits like technical skills on how to live and eat healthier, have better access to Anti-Retroviral drugs (ARVs), and be referred to and transported to better health facilities like the Salima District Hospital or Ndi Moyo, a palliative care center in Salima (actually the only one in Malawi).
Article on NAPHAM

Also, I successfully got my school to be more involved with other schools. There are about 18 secondary schools within our Cluster. Schools are supposed to participate in academic and extra-curriculur activities that boost student learning. I was told these activities have not taken place in several years. On Friday I ended up being one of the three judges at the Msalura Cluster Competition put on by the Association for Teachers of English in Malawi (ATEM). I sat through a grueling program: 2 poems, 2 short stories, 1 press conference, 1 panel discussion, 3 debates, and 5 dramas. Our school participated in drama, which is about all I can say for their performance. I'm glad they had the opportunity and experience.

Some of our students being goofy in a drama. They don't usually tie each other up to trees. At least not that we know about...

Preparing for their rebuttal in the debate.

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