Monday, August 25, 2008

Donations Update

We have received some more wonderful things for our school and site projects that we should acknowledge. I hope I am not forgetting anyone:
Chad- colored pencils
Brad and Lonnie- tons of art supplies from Target Coon Rapids, again!
Filos- colored pencils, knitting needles
Jack and Bonnie- Knitting needles, yarn
Eric and Jessica- yarn, embroidery floss (picked out especially by Annika!)

Thank you so much for your support. You may have noticed we added a sidebar to indicate specific things we are looking for right now. Also, our group of education volunteers is putting on a summer school called CampSky. We are each selected our two most promising students to attend for two weeks. All of the students come from extremely under resourced schools and this is a once in a life time opportunity for them. If anybody is looking for a way to give monetarily, this would be a great cause. Also, you would be donating through a non-profit, Friends of Malawi and can use PayPal.
We will be accepting donations until October 1st.
Also check out the CampSky Blog if you haven't already.

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