Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back in Lilongwe...

We are back in Lilongwe today after a visit to our site in the Salima district. We actually weren't planning on coming here today, but Brian threw his back out yesterday so the Peace Corps doctor had us come here so he could look at it. It sounds like he just needs some pain-killers and rest. We think it was caused by stress and lack of regular exercise. Anyway, it has given us a chance to go online again which is nice.
We really liked our site. The headmaster and teachers are all really nice. We will be living in a little brick house with a brick fence. There are 3 rooms and a common area. The kitchen, "shower room" and outhouse are all located outside within a brick fence. We are planning on planting a garden and getting chickens back there.
One of the days we were there we went to Senga Bay and went swimming in Lake Malawi. It was awesome. Just like an ocean but better because it was fresh water. Plus it is soooooo hot that the water brought some relief. In fact, we were bathing multiple times a day while we were at our site. It is the hottest time of year, so hopefully the temperature will drop when we return in a couple weeks.
Next week we are back at Dedza college for one more week of training. After that we will go to Lilongwe again for our swearing-in ceremony and shopping before we move to our sites. We should be moving to our site permanently on December 14th or 15th. We are looking forward to getting settled, but we will miss our fellow trainees that we have become friends with. We will all be spread out around the country so I am sure we will do some travelling.
We hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. We will be missing you all at Christmas. Also, my Grandma Anderson is in the hospital and not doing well. Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers. It is difficult to be away from home during a time like that.
Love and Peace,
Kristy and Brian

1 comment:

ann said...

hi! this is COMPLETELY random, but i think living in malawi makes me think it's not so weird. So, my name is Ann, and i was just working on my own blog, and did a search for other friends' blog's in Malawi. in the mix, yours popped up, and so while browsing through, i saw that you were from minneapolis! and that is crazy, because so are we. we were most recently finishing up grad school in chicago, but all of our family and dear friends are throughout the cities. i'm working with my spouse jason for about the same time that you are here. so anyway, i thought i'd seize the moment of random-ness and drop you a line. if you ever want to get together sometime when you are in lilongwe, it'd be great to do dinner or something. my number is 0902 1991, email is, and our blog is ...thought i'd give you all of that so i don't feel so odd for finding you online:) take care, and good luck with everything!
