Friday, May 9, 2008

29 and counting

At first I was a little sad to celebrate my birthday so far away from home, but when I learned that snow was still falling on April 26, I felt fortunate to not see it! Don't get me wrong, I missed snow this year, but not when it is almost May! We celebrated my birthday along with our friend, Spencer's birthday on the beach of Lake Malawi. I spent the whole day swimming in the waves. I felt youthful, carefree and clean (the beach and the water did wonders for my nasty feet). After all, I was celebrating my last birthday. Not in a morbid way, but isn't every birthday after this an anniversary of my 29th? Now that we are here in Lilongwe, I feel like it is my birthday all over again with all the mail and care packages. Perhaps we should go away more often to be showered with so many letters, cards and goodies?!?! No really, we are so grateful for every piece of mail we get. It makes us feel a little closer to home. Thank you Thank you Thank you.


Beth said...

Happy Birthday, KMA, a little late. I guess it's KMR now . . . cool blog too. I look forward to reading it more often now that we moved into the world of technology and had the "World Wide Web" installed at our house.
Beth Haglin

Unknown said...

Hi Roligs,

I'm a RPCV who hasn't returned yet. My wife and I finished our service in Bulgaria in October and since then we've been traveling through the Middle East and East Africa. We'd love to have a taste of your Peace Corps life in Malawi if possible. Can we come see you?

You can learn more about us at: or if you're internet is decent, You can contact us there.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Till soon,


P.S. - If you think one of your cohorts might also be willing to meet with us, spread the word!