Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Beat the Heat in Malawi

As we have mentioned in previous blogs, we are in the midst of the hot season. This week it reached 101.3 degrees inside our house. Yes, the .3 degrees makes a difference. We now watch the digital thermometer like it is a TV and take bets on when it will go up or down. We are afraid to put the thermometer in the direct sun to check the outside temp, but a few weeks ago I conducted a “highly scientific experiment”. I put the sensor of the thermometer outside in the sun buried under some leaves. The temperature read 118 degrees. I suspect it is higher now.
Here is how we cope:

1. Wake up at 4:30 or earlier if you want to get anything done that requires moving your body.
2. Drink an insane amount of water. Put lots of sugar and salt on your food. We crave salt all the time.
3. Wear the least amount of clothing acceptable for the culture. (picture of Brian)
4. Frequently dump water on your head. (picture of Kristy)
5. From 10:30AM to 3:00PM do absolutely nothing. (picture of Moto)
6. Complain to each other.
7. Pant a lot if you are a dog. (picture of Baxter)
8. Take a bucket bath right before bed and don’t towel dry.
9. Sleep in your birthday suit and a wet bandana around your neck…not in a provocative way, just for survival.
10. Wake up at least once, if not twice, to bathe again.

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